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Meisje Rukt Haar Eigen Ogen Uit In CrystalMeth Psychose

wo maart 14, 2018 1:06 am

“Ik ben het meisje dat haar eigen ogen uitrukte. Dit is mijn verhaal”

BIZAR Begin februari brachten media wereldwijd een bizar verhaal uit South Carolina, waar een jonge vrouw van 20 haar eigen ogen uitgerukt zou hebben. Veel meer was er echter niet bekend over de zaak, tot nu. De vrouw in kwestie blijkt Kaylee Muthart te zijn, en ze vertelt nu voor het eerst hoe het zover kon komen. “Ik dacht dat iedereen zou sterven als ik het niet deed.” ... ~a91bd84e/

Meisje dat na drugs eigen ogen uitrukte doet haar verhaal: “Ik wist dat ik blind was” ... d-was.html
De Amerikaanse Kaylee Muthart rukte iets meer dan een maand geleden haar eigen ogen uit na drugsgebruik. Het bericht ging de hele wereld over en schokte velen. Nu is de twintigjarige vrouw uit South Carolina voldoende hersteld om haar verhaal te doen. ... 1d83690a9e
She gouged out her eyes while high to get closer to God

She continued: “I’m pretty sure I would have tried to claw right into my brain if a pastor hadn’t heard me screaming, 'I want to see the light!' — which I don’t recall saying — and restrained me. He later said, when he found me, that I was holding my eyeballs in my hands. I had squished them, although they were somehow still attached to my head.” ... blind.html
Woman, 20, who gouged out her eyes with her bare hands while high on meth shares pictures of herself one month after tragic ordeal and claims 'life is more beautfiul now'
Kaylee Muthart, 20, ripped her eyes out while high on meth in Anderson, South Carolina on February 6
She was left completely blind by the meth-induced psychotic trip
Muthart spent weeks recovering in hospital before being released on March 1
She describes in graphic detail the moment she ripped out her eyes believing it was a necessary sacrifice to God
Muthart said she thought she needed to sacrifice her eyes to God in order to free the souls that she believed were trapped in graveyards

Muthart said she thought the dead were stuck in their graves and required a sacrifice from her - her eyes - in order to release them to God.

'I thought everyone who had died was stuck in their graves, that God was up in Heaven alone, and that I had to sacrifice something important to be able to release everyone in the world to God,' she said.

'It made the world darker and took everything I believed in and distorted them to make me go down the path to pulling out my eyes.

'It was scary, I didn't understand what God wanted of me, but it made me feel a sense of righteousness that I had to be the one to do it. And I was glad to do it because I've always had a big heart and nobody's ever giving me that love back.

Muthart said she felt like she was running out of time to 'save the world' and was madly searching for an acquaintance. Feeling short on time, she twisted out her eyes for the sacrifice.

'I proceeded to pull out my eyes with my bare hands and twisted them, and pulled them, and popped them. I told the pastor who showed up, 'Pray for me, I want to see the light, pray for me.'' ... -out-eyes/
“I thought everyone who had died was stuck in their graves, that God was up in Heaven alone, and that I had to sacrifice something important to be able to release everyone in the world to God,” she says of her hallucination. “It made the world darker, and took everything I believed in and distorted them to make me go down the path to pulling out my eyes.”

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

:roll2: :roll2: :roll2: :roll2:
? youre FOKING EYE'S
Crystal Meth is de Duivel ... stal-meth/
It was then I remember thinking that someone had to sacrifice something important to right the world, and that person was me. I thought everything would end abruptly, and everyone would die, if I didn't tear out my eyes immediately. I don't know how I came to that conclusion, but I felt it was, without doubt, the right, rational thing to do immediately.

I got on my hands and knees, pounding the ground and praying, "Why me? Why do I have to do this?" I later realized this wasn't a personal religious calling — it was something anyone on drugs could have experienced.

Next, a man I'd been staying with, who happened to have a Biblical name, drove by and called out the window, "I locked up the house. Do you have the other key?" A sign, I thought, that my sacrifice is the key to saving the world.

So I pushed my thumb, pointer, and middle finger into each eye. I gripped each eyeball, twisted, and pulled until each eye popped out of the socket — it felt like a massive struggle, the hardest thing I ever had to do. Because I could no longer see, I don't know if there was blood. But I know the drugs numbed the pain. I'm pretty sure I would have tried to claw right into my brain if a pastor hadn't heard me screaming, "I want to see the light!"

Re: Meisje Rukt Haar Eigen Ogen Uit In CrystalMeth Psychose

wo maart 14, 2018 1:32 am

Re: Meisje Rukt Haar Eigen Ogen Uit In CrystalMeth Psychose

wo maart 14, 2018 1:40 am

Ja wat wil je hiermee precies duidelijk maken of was het delen ervan genoeg?

Lijpe shit, mensen doen soms gekke dingen, en op druks mischien nog een (los)zittend tandje gekker.

Re: Meisje Rukt Haar Eigen Ogen Uit In CrystalMeth Psychose

vr maart 16, 2018 5:57 am

618157 schreef:Ja wat wil je hiermee precies duidelijk maken of was het delen ervan genoeg?

Lijpe shit, mensen doen soms gekke dingen, en op druks mischien nog een (los)zittend tandje gekker.

precies duidelijk maken? :conf: ik maak liever niks duidelijk en heb hier verder geen oordeel over,
delen genoeg toch, zie dat het ook toenet gedeeld is op Reddit ... meth_trip/ ... meth_trip/

Girl gouges out her own eyes on bad meth trip

geplaatst op 43 minuten geleden door marc100000

Kaylee Muthart is ready to explain why she gouged out her eyes last month outside a church in Anderson, South Carolina, which she says she did during methamphetamine-fueled hallucinations.

Muthart, 19, told the Anderson Independent Mail newspaper the last thing she remembers seeing on Feb. 7 was a light pole morphing into a white dove. The world was ending at that moment, she convinced herself, and gouging out her eyes would save the planet.

“I thought I was sacrificing myself for the world,” she said. “It wasn’t voices, but I thought it was real.”

Muthart goes into explicit detail describing what happened next in a first-person piece for Cosmopolitan. Warning: Her description of what she did to herself and her injuries is graphic and disturbing.

I got on my hands and knees, pounding the ground and praying, “Why me? Why do I have to do this?” I later realized this wasn’t a personal religious calling — it was something anyone on drugs could have experienced.

Next, a man I’d been staying with, who happened to have a Biblical name, drove by and called out the window, ‘I locked up the house. Do you have the other key?’ A sign, I thought, that my sacrifice is the key to saving the world.

So I pushed my thumb, pointer, and middle finger into each eye. I gripped each eyeball, twisted, and pulled until each eye popped out of the socket — it felt like a massive struggle, the hardest thing I ever had to do.

Because I could no longer see, I don’t know if there was blood. But I know the drugs numbed the pain. I’m pretty sure I would have tried to claw right into my brain if a pastor hadn’t heard me screaming, ‘I want to see the light!’ — which I don’t recall saying — and restrained me.

He later said, when he found me, that I was holding my eyeballs in my hands. I had squished them, although they were somehow still attached to my head. Muthart was airlifted to a hospital, where her eye sockets were cauterized to prevent infection, according to The State newspaper.

In the five weeks since, Muthart has started dealing with the repercussions of her self-inflicted disability. That included drug rehab and time at a psychiatric facility, where she was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. She said the diagnosis was a relief.

“It made sense, since when I felt happy, I felt super happy, and when I felt down, I felt deeply depressed. The turbulence left me especially susceptible to drug abuse, my doctors later told me,” she wrote in Cosmopolitan.

Muthart is already learning Braille, and can be seen playing the guitar and singing in the video above.

A GoFundMe campaign to help her recover has raised more than $40,000 of its $50,000 goal.

It won’t be easy, but Muthart believes she can eventually reach an ambition she’s had for a long time.

“I still want to go to school to become a marine biologist — although I’m blind, I can still go underwater to feel the pressure and deepness,” she said.

Re: Meisje Rukt Haar Eigen Ogen Uit In CrystalMeth Psychose

vr maart 16, 2018 10:53 am

"I want people to know they shouldn't use drugs," Muthart said. "It manipulates your thought process. Marijuana is a gateway drug. I used to think it wasn't, but it is."

Zou best echt gebeurd kunnen zijn, maar de geringe hoeveelheid beeldmateriaal (geen foto's van in het ziekenhuis, of filmpjes als ze dat aan het doen is in 2018? :#: ) en de overdreven boodschap doet me meer denken aan zo'n DARE campagne

Re: Meisje Rukt Haar Eigen Ogen Uit In CrystalMeth Psychose

vr maart 16, 2018 11:20 pm ... yes-blind/

1. Muthart Started using Drugs after Smoking Meth-Laced Marijuana ... 404833002/

On the night of Feb. 5, she injected what she now believes was tainted meth into her body.

The next day, she was still high.

Re: Meisje Rukt Haar Eigen Ogen Uit In CrystalMeth Psychose

do apr 12, 2018 3:05 am

Dat is één van de redenen waarom ze het gedoogbeleid van paddo's strenger hebben gemaakt.
(er waren veel klachten van meisjes die hun oogbollen uitrukten) :stoned:

Re: Meisje Rukt Haar Eigen Ogen Uit In CrystalMeth Psychose

wo mei 09, 2018 1:17 am

Fake news

Re: Meisje Rukt Haar Eigen Ogen Uit In CrystalMeth Psychose

wo mei 09, 2018 4:31 pm

Ik lees veel te veel tegenstrijdigheden.

Make believe truths are the worst.

Re: Meisje Rukt Haar Eigen Ogen Uit In CrystalMeth Psychose

vr mei 11, 2018 5:01 pm

Crystal meth is niet de duivel, het is niet kwaadaardig, het is slechts een 'neurotoxic psychoactive chemical' met een wolf-in-schaapskleren karakter. Je hersenen raken, bij herhaaldelijk gebruik, zo beschadigd dat deze eigenlijk niets anders doen dan hun eigen realiteitsperceptie beperken. Hierdoor ziet de gebruiker zelf de schade niet in die hij/zij aanricht. Men zal niets anders doen dan de persoonlijke interesses uitvergroten, maar ook ditzelfde voor de negatievere gevoelens.
Steeds minder nuance ontstaan en een zwart-wit wereld, waarbij geen transitie meer mogelijk is tussen zwart en wit
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