Crossing the border (feel free to scroll to what applies, at bottom my experience with novadic)
True change comes from when you’ve proparbly reached the desperate point/rock bottom and there is no shame in that,
This the the point the the longing for change starts for all of us.
You’ll need rehab first though, and stay in at least the first 5 weeks (not the first 3 weeks, try make it 5 for yourself and ask for meds like antidepressisants so you have extra time to get those build up to proper level and stuff to lessen craving like topamax/suboxone or what you need for your substance).
The breaking points where you can relapse and your mind will do anything to lure you back in using (even just one time is too much..10 times to few
as I hope you won’t have to learn).
1 day, 3 days, 5 days, 7 days, 1,5 week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks, 1 month, 1,5 month, 2 months, 3 months, 6 months,9 months, 12 months/year. 1,5 year, 2 years.
The reason for this is, the first weeks your brains are used to the substance and will keep asking for it being used to it. Like e.g. with cocaine your serotonine making will have stopped because you supplied it directly with the cocaine and takes time for your mind to finally restart making it by itself.
After that you start feeling good without drugs and start making next steps etc, but here Is also a dangerous period lurking, it’s also in the cirkel you might see in clinic during active change. Your doing your steps but start to realize how shitty your life actually is and how long the road is and this can at first already make you relapse or later on because of the amount of patience required before the situation is able to change we as addicts usually don’t have. So try remembering the dates to be carefull around and that patience does work and not just from experience counsellers who made it, not everybody wants that life, there are also people who went to live entirely different lives successfully.
AA/NA meetings are very helpful for many people after a rehab, it sends you back home with the positive vibe you want to fight the problem and not use even if you go with the opposite mindset (personal experience).
Also some handies : for in beginning detox : bring puzzle (simple line found words)/drawing books that are not too hard,reading/tv won't be possible for a while, you won’t be able to think to long/complex and really gives your mind a ‘break’. Also walking is very good (also from heroine detox) (and hot bathes in that case too, don’t do methadone though..just a 100 times worse withdrawal). Also be very careful with diazepam, it’s good at first but follow doctor advise to quit or only if really necessary like once a week ( 3 months of constant use is 80% chance to be dement on later age) and it’s addictive, makes you more stressed than before.
But most importantly TAKE YOUR TIME
Expect at least a year for real changes to your life
Ps ik was te lui alles naar nederlands te vertalen sorry daarvoor, ik ben momenteel bezig met me derde opname Dubbel Diagnose vanuit Novadic .
Eerste twee opnames weinig aangehad, moet bij Novadic echt allemaal uit jezelf komen, je kunt tijdens proces het zelf behalen door eiggen goede inzet en overal achter aan te gaan maar kunt het ook makkelijk verkloten , eigen verantwoordelijkheid. Wel tip zorg je alles goed op papier bij ze laat zetten , niet afgaan op 'komt wel goed/ word geregeld' (mijn medicatie is kwijtgeraakt, zelf achteraan wekenlang en nog vraag of deels terugkrijg, emdr behandeling dd intern zou goedkomen en heb nu uiteindelijk totaal 6 sessies rest word extern met evt korte opnames waardoor nog jaren verder ben voor klaar ben..ook opletten zelf met medicatie, mij hebben ze bijna combo gegeven waarvan bij bijwerking online stond met huidige antidepressiva beslist niet geven ivm kans hartritmestoornissen en vollop ontkennen geval was ( . DD is sowieso enige zinvolle novadic behandeling, rest is enkel detox en diagnostiek (vergis je daarin niet, word je na je detox zwaar depressief en blijkt in diagnostiek zodra dat vastgesteld is ga je na huis). Wel zijn er echt verpleegkundigen en artsen en psychologen bij met passie voor vak en als je praat doen ze best op je aan te passen en je te helpen.