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6-APB New experience, better than sex.

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6-APB New experience, better than sex.

Berichtdoor Davinci » za feb 25, 2012 10:57 am

Dit is een report die ik toevallig tegenkwam op Bluelight, ik vond het de moeite waard om te delen. All credits to JSPete, moderator van het other drugs gedeelte van Bluelight.
De dosis is wel extreem hoog (400mg) en niet aan te raden.

So basically, I received my 4 pellets of 'benzo fury', ehem, 6-APB through the post yesterday. I took the first pellet at 23:00 and here is basically what happened:

23:00 - One 100mg pellet down the hatch. Probably unwise, but I'm tucking into an Indian takeaway as well....I'm hungry and my cravings for food come before my cravings for drugs.

0:00 - Nothing of note. Chatting to a good friend on MSN, we discuss feelings of emptiness and social stereotypes, the usual.

0:10 - I turn off the lights, get in to bed and just lie waiting to see what will happen. I figure that if 6-APB is fun, I'll be up all night having a rave, and if it does nothing I'll just fall asleep and wake up right as rain tomorrow morning.

0:30 - To my delight, a sudden spark of excitement appears. This feeling builds and builds to the point at which I can reassure myself that the feeling is not placebo.

0:45 - Feeling quite good now, and rejoicing in the fact that this new controversial research chemical does actually deliver. Go out for a cigarette, which helps to bring the feelings of excitement to a peak.

0:50 FUCK! This stuff is AMAZING!! Must take another pellet immediately.

From here on, you must understand that my sanity and personality as you know it has reduced to a slithering, deep breathing, warm bag of euphoria.

1:30 Another pellet is consumed

1:50 The music I have on my speakers is completely enveloping me in pleasure. Happy songs are orgasmic. Sad songs are slightly less orgasmic. There are no negative emotions in my body at all. I currently compare this high to that of pure MDMA binges. It is intense. At times unbearably so. Waves of euphoria rip through me like soldering irons, I am so happy I could cry.

2:00 As the cocktail of the three pills starts to overlap, I decide that 6-APB is superior to even pure MDMA (in my experience). This high is so much more intense and consistently so. It doesn't wave in and out like MDMA, and unlike MDMA it isn't sent down dark corridors at the thought of a life problem or an old memory.

4:00 I am still bursting with euphoria. I swear I have felt the maximum amount of euphoria a person can feasibly feel at points over this night, and I am just laid in bed. At a rave, this drug could cause miracles.

5:00 Consume last pill, call it a night and go on to bluelight to write this trip report.


OH. MY. GOD. It delivered. It really fucking delivered. 400mgs of this IS at least as euphoric, if not more so, than MDMA. And it's duration surpasses its predecessor in every way too.

The two highs are very similar. It really is nitpicking to tell one apart from the other. Both give beautiful visuals. Both do-that-thing-where-if-you-stroke-your body-all-over-it-feels-like-an-orgasm. Both let music creep into your soul and mind....and both are so stunningly beautiful.


MDMA is illegal and pricey

6-APB is legal and cheaper (just about) and can get delivered right to your door.

If everybody experiences the same as I just did with 6-APB, then this drug will revolutionise life like MDMA did all those years ago......

Food for thought Hope you enjoyed my TR
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Re: 6-APB New experience, better than sex.

Berichtdoor Russ » za feb 25, 2012 6:43 pm

Dit woekert de honger naar drugs opnieuw aan :love:
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Re: 6-APB New experience, better than sex.

Berichtdoor Davinci » za feb 25, 2012 7:09 pm

FUCK! This stuff is AMAZING!! Must take another pellet immediately.
:rock: :woeh:

Russ schreef:Dit woekert de honger naar drugs opnieuw aan :love:

Hij is onstilbaar.
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Omnia fert aetas
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Re: 6-APB New experience, better than sex.

Berichtdoor Karhu » za feb 25, 2012 7:42 pm

Heb het al een poos liggen, nog niet van gekomen... maar denk dat dat in maart april wel gaat veranderen :rock: !
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Re: 6-APB New experience, better than sex.

Berichtdoor Lµs. D » za feb 25, 2012 10:20 pm

Laatst bijgewerkt door Lµs. D op wo jun 11, 2014 12:36 pm, in totaal 1 keer bewerkt.
Lµs. D

Re: 6-APB New experience, better than sex.

Berichtdoor Pff » ma feb 27, 2012 6:59 pm

Jammer dat het in tegenstelling tot daar wel duurder is in verhouding met MDMA.

Maar hoor eigenlijk alleen maar positieve verhalen over 6ABP
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