ma nov 09, 2015 5:02 pm
di nov 10, 2015 1:43 am
wo nov 11, 2015 8:52 pm
- - 5-HTP5-HTP should not be taken with any neurological drug that has been prescribed for antidepressant or other cognitive purposes unless cleared by a medical doctor. This is most important for SSRI usage, wherein the combination with 5-HTP is potentially lethal.
Supplementation of 5-HTP has been shown to be more effective than tryptophan supplementation alone. This additional benefit of 5-HTP supplementation arises because 5-HTP bypasses the cell's L-tryptophan's own self-regulation on the IDO enzyme, in which it upregulates the activity of IDO (discussed in next section) to maintain body homeostasis of tryptophan[6] and it bypasses the tryptophan hydroxylase enzyme, which is the rate limiting step in serotonin biosynthesis.[7]
5-HTP is very reliable in increasing serotonin levels. 5-HTP is actually used as a clinical test to judge the potency of drugs that affect serotonin levels (by pairing an experimental drug with 5-HTP to induce 'serotonin syndrome', or serotonin toxicity, one can see how much that drug exacerbates serotonin biosynthesis or bioavailability by seeing how much of a 5-HTP dose is required to induce the syndrome; the lower dose indicative of higher drug potency). This test is known as the 5-HTP induced syndrome test.[8]
For those deficient in tryptophan, supplemental tryptophan and 5-HTP could be somewhat effective,[17] although a meta-analysis found barely statistically significant results (Odds Ratio of 1.3-13.2) from a statistically subpar collection of studies, and based on the inclusion criteria it set it had to expand its analysis to both 5-HTP and Tryptophan to get two studies to assess.[23]
5-HTP as monotherapy in depression, despite the theoretical benefit, is not yet proven
In regards to interventions, one study in treatment resistant depressed persons that combination therapy of 5-HTP with Carbidopa noted that 43 out of 99 (43.4%) patients improved with an average 200mg (variable 50-600mg) dosage of 5-HTP.[24] It has been noted[25] that since Cardidopa is a peripheral decarboxylase inhibitor that can prevent metabolism of monoamines including serotonin[26] that these results are unlikely to reflect monotherapy with 5-HTP, despite being within the 30-45% range sometimes seen with the placebo effect.[25][27]
Interventions showing promise with 5-HTP tend to use other compounds alongside 5-HTP to augment efficacy
Einstein schreef:Wist ik niet, maar misschien is dat zo; Wikipedia zegt van wel. Kan er echter niet veel andere bronnen voor vinden.
Serotonin. Preclinical studies have shown that lithium affects the serotonergic neurotransmissions at various levels. Presynaptically, lithium appears to enhance the serotonergic neurotransmission. In rat brain slices, it has been shown that chronic treatment of lithium increases basal and stimulation-induced serotonin release. There is accumulating evidence that lithium treatment produces a subsensitivity of presynaptic inhibitory 5-HT1A receptors, which can result in a net increase of 5-HT released per impulse.
Skippy123 schreef:Ja maar ik bedoel het stofje geluk daarmee krijg je toch het gevoel geluk?
Skippy123 schreef:ik ben chronisch depressief en heb een generaliseerde angststoornis