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GHB rectaal

Voor alles over GHB, in België ook wel "vloeibare xtc" genoemd.

Re: GHB rectaal

Berichtdoor Poseidon » do maart 10, 2016 1:27 am

Het is mijn ding niet maar ik zou de GHB in de room van de slagroomspuit oplossen om het wat minder agressief binnen te laten komen. Kan je tegelijkertijd een ballonnetje lachgas nemen. 8-)
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Re: GHB rectaal

Berichtdoor Abysmal » do maart 10, 2016 2:33 am

Was dit topic helemaal vergeten :oops:
Ik kan zo 1.2.3. mijn bron niet meer terugvinden, wel kwam ik dit tegen:

A recent overdose in Tampa appeared to be GHB. The subject had been admitted to the emergency room for treatment. The medical staff was surprised when the subject didn't just snap out of it when they expected.
A short while later, his friend stopped by the hospital to check on him. When the hospital staff commented that he hadn't come around yet, his friend asked, "Did you pull the string?"
It seems the latest kick is anal insertion of GHB soaked tampons. These have been showing up in various parts of the country on an increasingly more common basis.The tampons are purchased pre-soaked with GHB. One tampon is one dose. They are inserted rectally, but can also be sucked like a lollipop, or broken in half and (like Vick's inhalers) stuck in each nostril and inhaled. They can also be disguised as a specialty straw and slipped into someone's drink.Lollipops come in blue and red, with berry and cherryflavors for $10 each.Inhalers come with Vick's Vaporub inserts for $10 each. Designer tampon straws are available in a variety of colors, and include a filter to filter off any unwanted solids for $5 each. Rectal inserts are available pre-lubricated, or un-lubricated, and are available in glow in the dark colors. They come invarious flavors, including chocolate, fudge, and mentholated Vicks. Prices for the tampons vary, but can cost as much as $25. So, next time you find tampons in some guy's pocket,Think twice. He may not be carrying it because his girlfriend needs it and doesn't have a purse with her.
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Re: GHB rectaal

Berichtdoor Maus » do maart 10, 2016 11:28 pm

Abysmal schreef:Was dit topic helemaal vergeten :oops:
Ik kan zo 1.2.3. mijn bron niet meer terugvinden, wel kwam ik dit tegen:

A recent overdose in Tampa appeared to be GHB. The subject had been admitted to the emergency room for treatment. The medical staff was surprised when the subject didn't just snap out of it when they expected.
A short while later, his friend stopped by the hospital to check on him. When the hospital staff commented that he hadn't come around yet, his friend asked, "Did you pull the string?"
It seems the latest kick is anal insertion of GHB soaked tampons. These have been showing up in various parts of the country on an increasingly more common basis.The tampons are purchased pre-soaked with GHB. One tampon is one dose. They are inserted rectally, but can also be sucked like a lollipop, or broken in half and (like Vick's inhalers) stuck in each nostril and inhaled. They can also be disguised as a specialty straw and slipped into someone's drink.Lollipops come in blue and red, with berry and cherryflavors for $10 each.Inhalers come with Vick's Vaporub inserts for $10 each. Designer tampon straws are available in a variety of colors, and include a filter to filter off any unwanted solids for $5 each. Rectal inserts are available pre-lubricated, or un-lubricated, and are available in glow in the dark colors. They come invarious flavors, including chocolate, fudge, and mentholated Vicks. Prices for the tampons vary, but can cost as much as $25. So, next time you find tampons in some guy's pocket,Think twice. He may not be carrying it because his girlfriend needs it and doesn't have a purse with her.

:rock: :kleuter:
Maus schreef:Wees liev voor elkaar en leef in vrede :stoned:

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