Met de nieuwe MXE ban op komst zijn de vendors druk bezig met alternatieven te zoeken voor het stofje. Zo kreeg ik vandaag een mailtje met het nieuws dat een nieuw stofje, genaamd MXM, op de markt is. Heeft iemand al ervaring hiermee? Ik verwachtte troep, maar de reports op bluelight zijn toch enigszins veelbelovend.

Snorted about 50mg this morning - nothing.
Just measured out 100mg which I've put into a gelcap, which I'll do now. I'm about to eat though so I hope it doesn't play into it's absorption too much. I'll update later.
Shit. I think I'm coming up!! Mild MXE-ish feelings but a little more blunt than MXE like 4-MeO-PCP. I did a 50mg line after my meal too so 100mg oral + 50mg insufflated.
Ok, I was wrong, this is really euphoric. Opioid content must be through the roof here! I'm sitting with my girlfriend talking about pretty intimate things. I feel so serene and blissful. It's unlike MXE which is a bit more chaotic. This is just peaceful and quiet. Kind of like a weed high but less of a 'fucked up' feeling. It's really gorgeous at the moment.
100mg oral is my dose. So for other people it could be around 50-75mg but certainly insufflated is ineffective. Goddamn this is nice.
Just to note I dropped at 12:45 and it started coming up after I'd finished eating so maybe 45 minutes later at 1:30. Plateuing now at 2:21.
Actually I might try adding some Chitosan to it later to see if it aids insufflation in any way.
2:36 - Just gave my girlfriend a 100mg gelcap (she has a similar tolerance) so we'll have third party notes too.
3:45 - I've now completely come down, so I dropped another 150mg. My girlfriend however, experienced no effects from the 100mg but it was dropped on a full stomach. She also had some MXE this morning (30mg) so it could have offset the effects. I've told her to wait another 20 minutes before taking anything else. She feels a slight stimulant effect from it but that could be placebo or effects from caffeine or the MXE. I'll update later to see what's happened with the next 150mg gelcap and my girlfriend's experience from it.
4:25 - Here I am again in this godlike euphoria. I suspect that it's mostly opioidergic but I'm not nodding like I would with opioids, so I suspect some DRI properties too and of course NMDA antagonism to some degree. This is a real winner, just such a pity about the potency and duration. I have no idea why my girlfriend didn't experience it but it could be explained by her abuse of MDxx's which has been quite a lot recently. This would point to HT1a agonism instead and serotonergic euphoria instead. I really don't have enough info at the moment to confirm it's pharmacology though. All I know is it's fucking nice.