Offical Website: http://www.purplebombs.com/
Dissendium schreef:Please remember that Purple Bombs are not for human consumption because they contain chemicals that can have the same effects that certain controlled substances can have such as MDMA.
Wat moet je er dan mee doen XD.
No sympathy for the devil; keep that in mind. Buy the ticket, take the ride...and if it occasionally gets a little heavier than what you had in mind, well...maybe chalk it up to forced consciousness expansion: Tune in, freak out, get beaten.
edblok2 schreef:ok, als dit geen fraudeurs zijn zijn het de domste ''rc'' sellers ever![]()
MushRockker schreef:Iemand enig idee wat purple bombs zijn ? Zie ik op veel verschillende rc sites staan![]()
Offical Website: http://www.purplebombs.com/
Ivo schreef:Zolang ze niet eens zeggen welke stof het precies is, zou ik het echt niet vertrouwen...
Einstein schreef:edblok2 schreef:ok, als dit geen fraudeurs zijn zijn het de domste ''rc'' sellers ever![]()
Nee, dat is gecamoufleerde reclame.
Einstein schreef:Natuurlijk niet, het gaat er alleen om dat justitie geen al te duidelijke aanleiding heeft ze direct voor het gerecht te slepen. Het zal die vendors werkelijk worst zijn wat de gemiddelde leek van ze denkt
Sublimo schreef:Zijn oplichters, dat druipt er bijna vanaf zo duidelijk is het.
who really cares if its a legit mdma replacement, very high quality pills and md are everywhere atm and if you cant source md now you mustnt be hanging around in the right scene if it was a legit mdma replacement they would give out the name of the chemical, which pretty much means its probably a mixture of all the shite going around on the uk rc scene atm which i would never buy anything from again, nomatter how good people said it was unless you actually knew what drug it was and could look it up, ive had too many bad experiences from these shite rcs, your taking a risk each time you take this unknown mix.
Mephedrone and Methylone was pretty much a one off and i think itl be a long time before something as good comes along again on the uk rc scene, the vendors who were selling meph made a shitload of money legally by doing pretty much FA and they dont want to go back to actually working so theyll just keep looking for something that people will buy nomatter what its side effects etc are, they would only give it a name like this if theres a particular reason they dont want people to know what is in it imo
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