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Een oudje van DF [Datura report]

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Een oudje van DF [Datura report]

Berichtdoor Drientje » wo mei 11, 2011 9:23 pm

dit tripreport heb ik van een vriend gekregen die hem weer van een of andere dude van msn heeft gekregen. je kunt hier goed lezen dat het op een groot vel ofzo schrijven niet helpt.
tis wel in verrot engels dus zie maar of je zin hebt om het te lezen.

I find Datura Stramonium my all time trip drug, altough most of the people that tried it never tried it again, or ones go to asylium treatments after. But datura together with ketamine and opiates are my all time favorites. The trips are pretty long and intense and would take me long time to tell. Ill write trips each time i get into boredom. Heres a trip that happened maybe 5 years ago and is the first datura one. I was at high school then, and while on paues between clases in the grass by the river i saw some morning glory flowers. I came down to check them, but there still wasnt any seeds and very litle flowers. Just by it i saw a porcupine fruits and big white trumpet flowers, i have remembered readiny online that it was datura. I have been seing these plants when i was a child and remembered their shape clearly. My nature is to do stufff without thinking of the consequences. So i took 3 fruits opened them and ate the seeds. It was still young datura having light brown colour, later i found that as much older the seeds are as stronger it is. I returned to the class at school. After one class passed on the second one "english class" i felt drying out and feeling of being underwater. Just on the class the teacher called my name to test me for some grammar. I didnt even hear it, the classmate near me started to shake me telling me to stand up and answer. I stood up went in front of the writing table waiting for the qustion, as soon as i received it i started writing the answer on the table. But there was something wrong with the chock, it wasnt writing. I tought its wet i broke it in half and tried again. Still nothin. I broke it again and still it wasnt writing. I was breaking cochks for like 10 times trying to write something but they were wet and no result. The teacher started yelling at me, asking whats my problem, because i have overwritten like dozen same sentences one over another. I started telling excuses like i feel seek and stuff and the teacher have left me go home. From the school i went home, wanted to eat something, took a chicken steak. My mouth and throat where so dry that i almost drowned, a piece of food got stuck in my throat so i drinked like a bottle of water but it was still there, so i went puking in the toilet and luckly i threw it out with that puke. I got scared that my parents will notice something aint right with me so i went outside, called my best friend girl, and asked her to go to some pub. While walking i started to fall , i couldnt walk properly there where holes in the ground on every half meter so i couldnt avoid some of them and i was just falling over and over again. She asked me whats wrong, i said nothing. When we started crossing over the street before the pub i started falling again, the street was freezed like its a phrozen river, i couldnt even stand up because of the ice this time. So a whole line of cars was signaling to moove myself out of the road. My friend picked me up and throw me on the sideroad, asking again not to fool myself or what is the problem. I agian said its nothing or im not sure, i dont even remembered i ate tripping material before, i tought im clean and normal and its all real. We went into the pub sit outside on a wodden table from where we where able to see the road down and the cars and people passing by. Near on sight we were able to see the town center with all those people passing by. While sitting there, we ordered some coffee. I lighted a cigg and while smoking it, strangly it got absorbed into my hand, i didnt noticed that i tought the cigg has fallen from my hand. I picked the cup of coffee to drink some, and then strangly i absorbed the cup of coffee with my fingers. i said wtf? i took another cigg and just when i picked it up i absorbed it with my figners. I tought , damn i have power to absorb things. I picked up the whole box of ciggaretees and absorbed it. I called my friend an told her "look i can absorb objects". I tried to touch the table and absorb it but this time i couldnt even touch it. my hands where passing threw it like i was a ghost. i tought "wtf i have another power i am a ghost". So i started waving my hands threw the table threw the chair threw my friend and i they were actually passing threw the material. While entertaining i forgot that even my friend was by me and i was amuzing myself with my ghost nature passing my hands threw different objects, when on the road downthere i noticed a totaly black bike driving down the street without a driver. I said "wtf, look at that black bike driving without a driver?". My friend said "what where how are u crazy i dont see thing like that". While i was watching the bike driving i noticed a totaly black human. i couldnt see his face or what he is dressed in, he was black like a materialized shadow. While watching him amuzed i noticed that eerybody downthere in the town center where black. I started to panic i tought "damn we where alienated by shadows or i am on another world". As soon as i hurried to ask my friend whats goin on, i saw her talking with a dude next to her which was also black, and another one standing still next to him. I called her and asked her "who the fuck is that, who the fuck are those black people , they are all over,why are you talking to them? do you know them?". Then she started slapping me over my face saying "what the fuck is wrong with you, i talk to noone there is noone else in the pub except us and the server". Suddenly while she was kicking my face the scene changed, like it changes in the movies. I was sitting in another corner of the pub with a group of my friends. I tought how the fuck did i appeared to be there in a second. I had coffee in front of myself i tought ill have a drink and damn i absorbed the glass again. i tried to tell that to the people but noone was listeinng to me. hey were discussing about getting a huge ammount of weed, So we were supposed to deposit some cash. I ve put some cash on the table, and while following the weed situation the scene again changed in a second and i found myself sitting alone with my friend again. I started yelling "where the fuck did they go?where is the weed? they took my cash and i didnt got my weed." I again got a shiver of questionf from my friend, and slaps and yells, and while discussing some matter with her i started to feel a shake like an earthquake and a low frequency noise. I started watching around to see whats happening and my view stopped on a big graffiti on the wall saying "tattoo". I noticed the wall which the graffiti was on was starting to break because of the earthquake, i watched around seeing the building walls breaking up. Suddenly the shaking and the noise stopped. I was there waiting asking what is next. Then the broken walls started to out and in , concave to convex, like the buildings thwre briding. All the buildings around me where wall wrecked and were breading. I paniced took my friends hand and started running. We ran we ran and have hidden in a park near a bush. So i made her to stay there until the situation calms down. She was asking me and asking me those same questions again, and i yelled shut the fuck up already im tripping off cant you see. Then she told me like go home have a sleep dont let people see all the bullshit you are doing in center town. While she was talking to me i noticed that was already dark and the full moon was there in the sky. The moon then parted in tree moons placed in the corners of a triangle. They did a spin once and then merged in one moon again. Then again three moons from one making a spin and merging in one again. I was just sitting and watching that for dunno how long it was incredible even forgot my friend talking to me. When i stopped watching my friend was still saying go home have a sleep, so i said "ok bye", left her like that and started walking home. Im living 100 m form that park i entered the building, knowing i live on the 3rd floor. But the thing i didnt knew how to count to three, what is the order of the numbers is it 4,6,2,3 or 4,7,1,21 i didnt knew how to count out. SO i tought i need to pass the post boxes which are between 1 and 2 floor. and then pass other empty space between 2 and 3 floor and then im home. I passed between 1 and 2 i saw boxes i came between 2 and 3rd and there where boxes again, so i tought wtf when have they put these here? how long havent i been home? things have changed. So i came back to the front door making another strategy of finding my appartment. I tought i know there is a tribal form printed on my door which i did some time ago. I started climbing up the stairs and i saw the door. I took my key to open but strangly it was not entering the hole. I tought damn my parents have changed the lock i havent been home for years, so i tried if it is not locked. Then the door opened and i entered. It was all different some old furniture old analog phone, some old shoes, old carpets. I tought wtf my father has turned oldschool and i proceeded to the living room. When i entered i saw this old granny "she is living alone under my apartment". I freaked out seeing i missed the apartment and ran out scared she will start yelling that im robbing her and will call the police. Furiously i was running up the stairs and i went to the roof area. This is a deserted floor where noone comes theres a bunch of old tvs and furniture like a depony, its dark and there no lightning. I sit there in the dark breathing from the running and thinking the police will come and get me , and thinking i should go on the roof and try to run from there. AS soon as i opened the door leading to the roof , there were 3 abstract beings floating, with blue green lightning colour "which is my favorite colour". they had a shape like medusas with lots of pipes, they where changing shape becoming very small or vanishing in one moment and appearing 2 meters spread in the other. I just stood there breathless, i tought my heart stopped and btw they were making this strange noise like litle girls singing strings. I turned in a moment and started to run like crazy downstairs, i saw the door with the tribal picture and i entered it rapidly. It was opened and inside there was my appartment. My mother came to check who came in said few words and left in another room. I went in my room and started settling my bed for going to sleep but i tought wtf i should go out and trip off freely. I a while my sister came bringing the phone and said its someone for you. I picked the phone and started talking while i was trying to put my foots in my shoes. A friend of mine was on the phone saying to come by his place he had some weed to smoke. I told him to wait a bit because i had a hard time putting my shoes on. They were strangely build with a shape that didnt supported my foot. I was trying to fit my foots properly when i heard a crash. I raised my head and saw a half meter burning circle in the carpet of my room with a black rock in the middle of it. I tought "damn is that a fuckin meteor that just falled in my room". I started crawling near that rock to check it out. When i tried to catch it there was this sharp pipe that came from it and stucked in my hand. I mooved my arm back watching the fuckin thing. One leg came out. Another leg came out. Legs where comming out from the rock, then the rock raised on its legs. Wings came out, legs whee still coming out. An insect with enormously lot of legs and wings. I tought i have to catch this alien insect immedietly and started looking for something to pick it up with and put it in some bottle caue it looked quite dangerous and big. I took a large book trying ti pick it up with it, but when i tried the thing jumped. I tried again but it was fast it was jumping and flying for a few meters when i tried to catch him. IT jumped on my computer table. When i tried to catch it it jumped on the ceiling. I climbed on the table trying to catch it but it was running on the ceiling. While trying to catch the thing, my mother came in asking why is the phone still busy with my friend waiting on it, she wanted to call somewhere. I said "help me catch this alien insect". Her hair raised up when i said that and show her a picture of me standing on the table waving with the book on the ceiling. She took my down by force asking whats wrong with me, am i on drugs again? I said no i drinked a liter of vodka with my friends an hour ago. She doubted she said i dont smell on acohol. She asked me do i know where i am. what date what time it is. I didnt knew, i even asked who she is. She called my father to deal with me, he made me go a sleep and will have me discussing about that in the morning. I went to sleep i felt a sleep emedietly when i woke up somewhere in the early morning, it was a dawn , it was quiet in the appartment they where all sleeping. I saw my cat having sex with another unknown cat both climbed on me. I took them both to the living room shit the door and came back to sleep, when i lied down after a few seconds again my cat was fuckin that other cat again climbed on me. I took them to another rooom shut the door and came back. When again my cat was fuckin that other cat on my bad. I took them in another room locked the fuckin doors, and the fuck this thing repeated for like 10 times. SO i said fuck it let them fuck themselves on top of me. Was trying to get a sleep with the cats mooving over me and making those catsex noise, when i felt a chain over my neck. I took it down to see what is it, it was a blue/green lighting diamonds necklace. And while i was asking myself where did i get this from and watching it , the necklace broke and the diamonds started falling on the floor in the bed under it everywhere making this sparkling sounds like diamonds falling on metal. I rushed to collect them back, but i couldnt find any of them, i searched my bed the room everywhere. I went into my sisters room asking her to stand up and help me moove my bed to find the diamonds. She said get the fuck away you junkie leave me alone i wanna sleap. So i left her hysteric afraid not to awake anyone, went into bed hoping to find the diamonds the next day.
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Is zo slecht nog niet.
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Geregistreerd: di feb 22, 2011 9:36 am

Re: Een oudje van DF [Datura report]

Berichtdoor Oppepper » wo mei 11, 2011 10:36 pm

Wauaw, erg leuk geschreven toch, heb het zo doorgelezen. :love:
'Ik zeg altijd maar: beter opbranden dan uitdoven.'
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Re: Een oudje van DF [Datura report]

Berichtdoor Dopamientje » wo mei 11, 2011 11:11 pm

Dank je wel voor mijn dagelijkse portie "WTF!".
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Badass Junkie
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Re: Een oudje van DF [Datura report]

Berichtdoor Kraak » do mei 12, 2011 12:24 am

Kon hem toch goed doorlezen, maar echt zeg, echt extreem maf.
You that never done nothin'
But build to destroy
You play with my world
Like it's your little toy
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Ik ben een monoliet.
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Geregistreerd: ma feb 21, 2011 10:23 pm

Re: Een oudje van DF [Datura report]

Berichtdoor Drientje » do mei 12, 2011 7:04 am

The_Upsetter schreef:Wauaw, erg leuk geschreven toch, heb het zo doorgelezen. :love:

Ja ondanks het gemis aan alinea's en de verloren interpunctie leest het bijna weg als een spannende roman.
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Is zo slecht nog niet.
Wijs Gebruiker
Posts: 1814
Geregistreerd: di feb 22, 2011 9:36 am

Re: Een oudje van DF [Datura report]

Berichtdoor Drientje » do mei 12, 2011 7:06 am

Sjarel schreef:Kon hem toch goed doorlezen, maar echt zeg, echt extreem maf.

Volgens mij is dit wel een van de weinige reports wat niet zozeer over duivels, monsters en afschrikwekkende angst gaat en een van de weinige die ik gelezen heb waarbij ik Datura niet als eng stofje zie.

Overigens vraag ik me nog steeds af wie nou de persoon in de pub was en of die er daadwerkelijk is geweest.
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Is zo slecht nog niet.
Wijs Gebruiker
Posts: 1814
Geregistreerd: di feb 22, 2011 9:36 am

Re: Een oudje van DF [Datura report]

Berichtdoor Davinci » do mei 12, 2011 10:58 am

Het verrot Engels lijkt wel ideaal voor deze Datura report.

But datura together with ketamine and opiates are my all time favorites.

Is dit wel fysiek mogelijk?
You have to know the material you're writing about before you alter it.
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Re: Een oudje van DF [Datura report]

Berichtdoor DutchCookie » di apr 03, 2012 12:48 am

supervet report

ik vraag me af of het helpt voordat je gaat trippen met benzine stift grote letters op je arm de tijd van inname van datura zetten en iets waardoor je jezelf duidelijk kan maken dat je dus datura hebt gehad, waardoor je toch enige vorm (als dat uberhaupt mogelijk is) van controle kan houden. of tenminste in je achterhoofd hebt dat het niet 100% echt is
Druks schreef:het is die snoevende schnabbelaar die moeilijke kankeraar
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Re: Een oudje van DF [Datura report]

Berichtdoor Einstein » di apr 03, 2012 1:02 am

Waarschijnlijk ben je veel te ver heen om zoiets te kunnen bevatten. Ken het gevoel wel van salviatrips waarin de gedachte dat ik daar was terechtgekomen waar ik was doordat ik een drug had genomen een onbevattelijke gedachte was, zelfs al besefte ik me dat dat wel degelijk zo was. Tel daarbij op dat daturatrippers normaal gesproken al moeite hebben met rekensommetjes als 10-4=6 en je snapt wat ik bedoel.
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Geloof het of niet, het heeft mijn derde oog geopend; ik zie wat ik zie in slowmotiondimensies
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