Eerst dacht ik bij mezelf heeeeh ik cleave die methyl eraf en hoppa de ethyl er weer aan. Straightforward chemistry maar me dunkt dat het toch goedkoper/minder tijd gaat kosten met van een vendor te kopen... Heb gister nog gepraat met iemand live report ethylphenidate
Overigens als je al eens wilt weten hoe het voelt: ga zuipen en neem wat methylfenidaat. Best euforische combo, persoonlijk vind ik ethylphenidaat al leuker als cocaine. Euforischer maar de crash is nog steeds vervelend. Niet rot of slecht gewoon beetje vervelend.

Ethylphenidate (EP) is a potent psychostimulant that acts as both a dopamine reuptake inhibitor and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor, meaning it effectively boosts the levels of the norepinephrine and dopamine neurotransmitters in the brain, by binding to, and partially blocking the transporter proteins that normally remove those monoamines from the synaptic cleft.
It is most commonly formed when ethanol and methylphenidate are coingested, via hepatic transesterification.[1] Ethylphenidate formation appears to be more common when large quantities of methylphenidate and alcohol are consumed at the same time, such as in non-medical use or overdose scenarios.[2] This carboxylesterase-dependent transesterification process is also known to occur when cocaine and alcohol are consumed together, forming cocaethylene.[3]
Ethylphenidate is more selective to the dopamine transporter (DAT) than methylphenidate, having approximately the same efficacy as the parent compound,[4] but has significantly less activity on the norepinephrine transporter (NET).[5] It has a near-identical dopaminergic pharmacodynamic profile as methylphenidate, which is primarily responsible for its euphoric and reinforcing effects.[6]
Interestingly, the eudysmic ratio for ethylphenidate is superior to that seen for TMP.[4]
Compound[5] Binding DAT Binding NET Uptake DA Uptake NE
d-TMP 139 408 28 46
d-TEP 276 2479 24 247
dl-TMP 105 1560 24 31
dl-TEP 382 4824 82 408
TEP is less stimulatory than TMP at 5mg/kg, although both compounds generalize at 10mg/kg. This is suggestive of a noradrenergic stimulatory effect present for TMP at lower doses.
TEST: 10mg Ethylphenidate (EP) Oral
00:00h -- 10mg EP hydrochloride dissolved rapidly and completely in 25ml of lukewarm tap water. Drank it down on an empty stomach, slightly bitter. (realtime 16:45h)
00:20h -- First stimulation noticable.
00:30h -- nonstop yawning ("yawning myself awake") and a bowel movement show that I'm on the rise.
01:00h -- ascent seems to shallow a bit, yawning etc subsided.
01:15h -- Im at what seems to be the plateau. Theres a pleasant mental stimulation, augments physical activity but doesnt incite it, no jitters. Effect is inbetween a strong cup of coffee and 10mg buphedrone. Soles and palms tend to be a little sweaty, typing and thinking speed is up. Theres a little euphoria but generally more of a robustness. Its a mental thing more than a physical thing. Getting a bit hungry, s not great as an anorexic.
01:30h -- smooth sailing, clear stimulation, excitement of the mind and body. When reading user reports of stimulants elsewhere online its important to realize that many of them have considerable (permanent) stimulant tolerances and therefore are prone to dismissing considerable doses as practically inactive. Here, on 10mg EP, I find my stimulant needs taken care of (but I have no tolerance) and approaching that of 10mg buphedrone. I have sufficient energy buzzing through me to decide to get physically active to flow with it better. For me personally, as a mental stimulant not meant to induce physical activity (ie study aid), I'd say 5-10mg would be appropriate.
02:00h -- This stuff is active, more than I expected actually. These 10mg are all I want to do of the stuff at this point in time, theres a push to be physically active, more would be uncomfortable. For study purposes I'd push the ratio down to lets say 2.5-5mg for me personally, 10mg is just too physically activating. My bowels are noisy, so theres more than my mind getting activated. Resting heartrate is below 90, and it used to be 90 when I smoked, 2 weeks ago, so yay for quitting. As usually the majority of test reporters with their stimulant tolerances did damage to objectivity. I just CRINGE at the thought of having taken the 50-100mg they routinely speak of, I'd be begging baby Jesus for it to stop and I'm not even a Christian.
02:15h -- thoughts, actions, motions of the body are considerably accellerated. If I reach to pick up a candy, my hand shoots for it about twice as fast as my routine. I decided to, later on, do my groceries at a store I rarely frequent, thats a bit furter on the bicycle (pedaling yay!) and a bit more anonymous in case my jumpiness is noticable I could totally see this leading to talkativeness, unlike some stimulants.
02:30h -- Things seem to have calmed down considerably, I wonder whether I reached the true plateau or am already on the descent. Pleasant stuff, but a tad stronger than expected
04:00h -- ACK! Over the past half hour or so I feel I had a bit of a crash, but a good meal and a benzo helped tide me over, as it was mostly stomach discomfort. Stimulation is moderate but still present. Save for the yucky intermezzo, all in all a pleasant stim. I think I will dose it in the 2.5-5mg range though if that comedown thingie is a consistent feature.
05:00h -- amazingly, it does seem the EP is on the decline for a long time now. Could Ethylphenidate orally in a 10mg dose have a trajectory of 1:30 hour of rise, 2 hours of peak and 2 hours of descent? That would make it quite shortacting, which is appealing.
12:00h -- despite the effect having dropped long since, it took me 12 hours to be able to sleep, a sleep that wasnt restfulm and only lasted 5 hours ending with me kicking the blankets off the bed.